Friday, August 1, 2008

Kendall is 15 months

I can't believe that Kendall is 15 months today. She is growing like a weed. She is just about the funniest kid I know (besides Karlee of course). She has this silly grin she does that just lights up her whole face. It is amazing that she is so happy and cheerful after all she has been through. (It's a long story - lets just say she has seen her share of Children's Hopsitals around the country.) She has two new tricks - drinking from a straw and doing a "roll-over". I don't think Karlee could drink from a straw until she was at almost three. She loves her big sister and her favorite game to play is hide-n-seek. She will "hide" her eyes with her hand while Karlee hides and then she will go find her. When she finds Karlee, she squeals with delight. My sweet, sweet Kendall!

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